The book "Ayodhya War and Peace", traces the history of Ayodhya, one of the oldest cities of the world, continuously lived in, for 7100 years and more.
This book traces the spread of the biological lineage of Rama and the Suryavamsa, to the different parts of the world.
It not only offers a Pan Theo solution to disentangle Ayodhya from its present imbroglio but more importantly also proposes ways to restore Ayodhya, as a city that once again can instill values to live by, in times to come.
"I am Satish B G from Bangalore. Three years back I found your book Ayodhya War and Peace at one of the Malls in Bangalore. I thought it must be like other political books on Ayodhya . I didn’t buy the book for almost 2 month. In my next visit to the store I found the same book at the same place. I went through the book and was really amazed to see such a realistic book. After reading it, I felt proud of myself and thought it would not be enough to just buy or read such a book. I asked my friends to read the book and gifted it to them. I would love to meet you both Sir and Madam."
- Satish B Gn