Brand Bharat

- a brand that was popular for 2 Millennia,
- a brand that evoked images of millions,
- a brand worth millions.

What is Bharat? Does this name have a meaning?
What did this Bharat produce to earn its millions?
What did Brand Bharat represent?
What gave it this brand image?

The exhilarated writings of Marco Polo, an Italian visitor who travelled to India in 1290 CE, created a Brand image of Bharat in terms of millions.

Millions of precious gems
Millions of gold coins
Millions of miles of fertile land
Millions of amazing people …
Millions of amazing people …

So much so that, he himself, in the process, got branded as “Marco Mille”, Mille the Latin word for Million.

What did Marco Polo see, that got him so excited as to brand this land as a ‘Land of Millions’?

Bharath Gyan is an endeavour to bridge the old and the new worlds through knowledge from the past, for the present and future. Founded by the couple, D.K.Hari and D.K.Hema Hari, Bharath Gyan is 15 years of compilation of the knowledge and ethos of India from an interdisciplinary and wholistic perspective.

“Brand Bharat”, as conceptualized by the Hari couple, will paint the picture of India and the pride of place it had held through millennia. It will delve into the ethos of the people that had kept it so, for millennium after millennium. It will also touch briefly upon some of the reasons for the slide.

The impression that Brand Bharat will leave will be a new image of India, a new outlook on prosperity and a new sense of pride at being an Indian.