Creation - A Cosmic Insight

Contemplative Course


A Cosmic Insight

This is a one of a kind contemplative course to create an opportunity for seeking participants to explore a compilation on the subject of Creation from across various sources of Indian traditional knowledge juxtaposed with world view and modern science.

Indian tradition, customs and practices can be understood and appreciated better when one gets to understand the thought process behind the explanation of how everything has stemmed.

During the course, the participant will be encouraged to ask the most profound question “How did the Universe come to be?” and will be guided to the topics to be explored and the mind-set with which they have to be explored.

At the end of this program, the participant would have gained a broad understanding of how the Indian and Hindu thought had handled the Science of Creation with a blend of Spirituality to create a Diversity as a Ground Reality. One can then choose to explore the subject further according to one’s own interest and further resources along those lines.

Course Syllabus

  1. Creation – Srishti Vignana
    • Hiranyagarbha
    • OM
    • Narayana
    • Padmanabha
    • Brahma
    • Vishnu
    • Shiva
    • Lakshmi
    • AdiSesha
    • The Endless Cycles
    • The Primordial 5
    • The Fundamental 3
    • The Stages of Creation and Divinities
    • Rta and Dharma
    • The byproducts of the Science of Creation –
      • Divinities
      • Philosophies
      • Religion
      • Celebrations
      • Knowledge
        • Gnana and Vignana
        • Sat and Asat
        • Vidya and Avidya
        • Brahmic and Abrahmic
      • The concept of Twinning - Nasatya
  2. Kala Ganana – Indian Time Keeping
    • Cycles of Time
    • Scales of Time – Macro and Micro
    • Alignments
    • Sankalpa
    • Space – Time Continuum at Macro and Micro
    • Depiction of Time – Kala, Kali, Kaleshwar
    • Meridians, World Clock and Sky Clock
  3. Jyotisha – Wonders of Indian Astronomy
    • Branches of Jyotisha
    • Names of Celestial Objects
    • Principles of Celestial Phenomena
    • Use of Celestial Objects
  4. Indian Calendars
    • The Year
    • The Numbers
    • The Types
    • The Basis
    • The Use and Rationale
    • The Prospect
  5. Aligning with Creation
    • Seasons
    • Customs and Traditions
    • Celebrations

Course Duration

Customizable from 10 to 20 sessions.

Course Reference

Bharath Gyan books, articles, films and multimedia lectures.

Contact here if you are interested in conducting this course for your group / organization.