Hindu Society - A Seamless Colourful Weave Of A Multidimensional Matrix
This course will help to understand and appreciate the seamless weave and matrix of Hindu Society.
Hindu Society is often derided using the terms Caste System, Rigidity, Orthodoxy, Brahminism, Untouchability, Suppression, Unscientific and Superstitious.
This course will start with laying out the fundamental differences between the foreign, undefined, Caste System thrust on Hindus and which continues to date vis-a-vis the native, ingenous and well thought out Varna-Jati system of the Hindus.
It then highlights other aspects which helped the Hindu society function in a cohesive manner to be one of the most productive, wealthy, knowledgeable and culturally rich society of the world.
It will then analyze what caused this cohesive, well oiled functioning to break down, thereby reducing it to a lopsided society with poverty, illiteracy, lack of hygiene, corruption etc. on end of the spectrum with the masses and wealth, education and power with a few on the other end of the spectrum.
It will also examine as to how an individual could be identified in a Hindu Society as also how he/she identified with the society. What were the framework and principles that ensured the functioning of the society without any internal clashes for millennia.
Finally, it will place forth the distortions that this society has become subject to, the reasons thereof and the narratives of the society in present days.
Course Syllabus & Structure
Module 1 – The Varna – Jati System of Hindu Society
Course Intro, Intro to Varna – Jati System of Bharat
Rigid Caste System in Europe and Its Entry Into India
Flexibility in the Varna System
Varna – A Flat and not a Hierarchical System
Role & Relevance of Jati in Hindu Society. Examples & Significance
Flourishing of the Jati
Vanavasi & Untouchability
Interactive Q&A
Module 2 – Functioning of Hindu Society
7 Perspectives To Society in Sociology
Gender Balance, Power Balance & Wealth Balance in Hindu Society
Legal Powers of Women in Hindu Society
Ashrama – Yet another dimension to support the Hindu Society
Common Access to Education and Initiation in Hindu Society
Hindu System of Global Education & Travel of Hindu Education System Worldwide
- Pan Civilizational PMG (Prajapati, Manu Guru) Leaders in Hindu Society
Lawfully Managed Uniform Society
Administratively Managed Uniform Society
Knowledge Led Society - Major Rishi – Common Founding Fathers of Hindu Society
Module 3 – Identity in Hindu Society, Identity of Hindu Society
Why Gotra practice, the Distinguishing Factor in Hindu Society?
Napumsaka – Handling the 3rd Indistinguishable Gender
Religion and Jati - Matha, Mutt, Sampradaya, Alaya(Temples) as Distinct Attributes in Hindu Society
Concept and Role of Temples as Unifiers in Hindu Society
Concept of 16 Samskaras as Unifiers in Hindu Society
Module 4 – Distortion of Hindu Society & Distorting Narratives
Introduction of Illiteracy Into Hindu Society
2 Myths for Origins of Upper & Lower Caste Difference
Myth of Lower Caste Suppression
Myth of Aryan Invasion for Upper Caste Hegemony
Myth of Upper Caste Hegemony – 1 In Art
Myth of Upper Caste Hegemony – 2 – In Veda (Vedic Education & Rituals), Vegetarianism
Myth of Upper Caste Hegemony – 3 In Gotra, Janeyu, Jyotisha (Timekeeping), Panchanga (Calendar), Sankalpa
Situation Today – The Ground Reality
- Sanatana Dharma – An Eternal, Ever Evolving, Multidimensional Existence – A Seamless Weave of Distinct Warps and Wefts
Course Duration
Customizable from 8 classes to 32 classes.
Course Reference
Bharath Gyan books, articles, films and multi-media lectures
Contact here if you are interested in conducting this course for your group / organization / Institution.