Shanti - Indian Perspective Of Peace

Contemplative Course

Course Learning Objectives

Peace and maintenance of Peace have many underlying factors at play.

Peace has myriad ways, expressions and symbols.

This course is designed to equip influencers, especially those who work in the areas of Peace and Conflict Resolution to gain an insight into the underlying ethos of Peace from an Indian Perspective.

It will help participants gain an understanding of India’s millennial old and successful ways of being in Peace – with oneself and with others.

Such an understanding would help those striving to end strife, create a solution for lasting Peace.

This course will empower the Peace Messengers across the world with tools to work for Peace.

It will fortify them with confidence during conflict resolution and negotiations.

It will help to highlight and bring Peace to the centre-stage as the object of focus and as a tangible system of study and practice.

Course Content and Design

The course has been designed to comprise of 3 Units.

  1. Unit 1 – The Sources Of Conflict
  2. Unit 2 – The Unifying Path
  3. Unit 3 – The Tools

Unit 1 – The Sources Of Conflict

  • The Conflict Causing Angles - Sangarsh Kaarana Kona
  • Saint vs Satan

Unit 2 – The Unifying Path

  • The Peace Solution Triangle -  Shanti Trikona
  • Shanti Yantra 
  • Shanti Mantra
  • Shanti Tantra
  • Shanti Yoga
  • A Middle Path
  • Satyagraha
  • Ahimsa

Unit 3 - The Tools

  • Shanti Gita
  • Shanti Songs
  • International Peace Symbol
  • The Hindu Greeting
  • Swastirastu to Swastika
  • Lakshya to Lakshmi to Shantalakshmi As A Goal for Peace
  • Shanti Essentials – Strength & Bravery
  • Shanti Economics - Scarcity Vs Abundance
  • Shanti Stupa Peace Pagodas
  • Shanti Sagar
  • Shanti Mudra
  • Shanti Dhootha
  • Harmony As Basis For Peace

Reading and Viewing Material For The Course

These will be hosted on an Online Course Platform provided by Bharath Gyan and participants will be granted access to the same for the course period.

Course Plan

The minimum number of sessions are 6. For foreign participants and those, not very familiar with Indian terminologies and contexts, the course could be covered over a longer duration of 8 to 10 sessions.

Contact here if you are interested in conducting this course for your group / organization.